Qantas Pilot Test – Full Guide and Free Practice

A versatile cognitive test (numerical, inductive, deductive) followed by two behavioral tests.

The Qantas Pilot Test is comprised of three separate tests. All tests are provided by SHL.

Two of these tests, the SHL General Ability Test and the OPQ32 are the pinnacle of SHL’s assessments and are sophisticated and challenging to pass.

The following guide contains a detailed overview of all three test sections, a free sample test, and some downloadable templates to help you. In addition, we recommend the ONLY prep course you should choose if you are serious about becoming a Qantas pilot.

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Basic Details

3 sections
~250 questions total
Cognitive + Personality

Test geek and founder of

What Is the Qantas Pilot Test?

The Qantas Pilot Test is a 3-part selection test administered on behalf of Qantas by SHL, one of the world’s top pre-employment test providers.

The test contains 3 sections, each taken as a different test. Further below we dig deeper into each test. You can also find sample questions and answers in the Free Practice section.

  • SHL General Ability Test – the cognitive section of the Qantas Pilot Test. Contains 24 numerical, inductive, and deductive questions to be solved in 36 minutes.
  • SHL Personality Questionnaire – the first of two behavioral tests. SHL’s personality questionnaire, officially named OPQ32, is aimed at assessing your personality traits and determining whether they fit Qantas’s desired pilot profile. Contains 104 questions and is untimed.
  • SHL Motivation Questionnaire (MQM5) – the second behavioral test, the SHL Motivation Questionnaire is intended to assess what job elements (dimensions) you find motivating, and whether these align with the pilot’s work. The test contains 150 questions and takes around 20 minutes to complete.

In the Preparation section, we recommend the ONLY prep course that provides accurate coverage of all 3 Qantas pilot test sections.

Test Structure and Question Format

Here’s a more detailed overview of the 3 subtests of the Qantas Pilot Assessment:

Test 1/3 – SHL General Ability Test

This test, also known as SHL Verify G+, is probably SHL’s most popular cognitive assessment. While the original test comes in two versions (Interactive and Multiple-Choice), the Qantas Pilot Test contains the interactive version.

The test contains 24 questions in 3 topics:

Numerical Reasoning

These questions test your ability to interpret and derive conclusions based on numerical data. It contains 3 main types of questions:

  • Graphs and Tables
  • Rankings
  • Calculations

SHL Numerical Interactive Sample Question

Inductive Reasoning

The main goal of these questions is to assess your ability to deduce patterns and rules from specific cases. The 3 main types of questions here are:

  • Alphanumeric Sequence Completion (“Drag the Lines”)
  • Shape Sequence
  • Shape Transformation

SHL Inductive Interactive Sample Question

Deductive Reasoning

The third and last type of questions on the General Ability Test assesses your ability to come to valid conclusions based on a set of rules. This test also has 3 main question types:

  • Schedules
  • Calendars
  • Seating Arrangements

SHL Deductive Interactive Sample Question

Make sure to choose a prep course that follows the Interactive version of the Verify G+ test. Read more in the Preparation section.

Test 2/3 – SHL Personality Questionnaire

SHL’s personality questionnaire is officially referred to as OPQ32 – OPQ stands for Occupational Personality Questionnaire, and the “32” represents the number of personality traits the test assesses.

These personality traits are measured via 104 questions. Each contains 3 statements which you need to rank how well they describe you at work.

The OPQ32 test uses a special testing mechanism that is known as “forced choice”. This mechanism makes it very difficult to game the test. JobTestPrep’s Qantas Pilot Test Prep Course is the only one currently available that offers an authentic prep for the SHL Peraonality Questionnaire, using the actual test’s structure and scoring.

Here’s a sample question to show you why:

SHL PErsonality OPQ Sample

As you can see, all options are positive. How do you choose?

That’s exactly what forced choice means – you are forced to select answer options that reveal your weaknesses.

After you choose the first statement that describes you best, you will be requested to repeat the process again with the two remaining statements.

Test 3/3 – Motivation Questionnaire

The SHL Motivation Questionnaire (MQM5) contains 150 questions to be answered in 20-25 minutes.

Each of these questions contains a short statement. You need to determine how it affects your motivation at work on a scale of 1 (Highly Demotivating) to 5 (Highly Motivating).

SHL Motivation MQM5 Sample

Qantas Pilot Test Preparation

We strongly recommend JobTestPrep’s Qantas Pilot Test Preparation.

  • The ONLY prep accurately simulating the assessment.
  • Authentic preparation for the Personality + Motivation Questionnaires
  • A money-back guarantee policy

What Do You Get?

Full Qantas SHL Test Simulations

  • 3 Qantas SHL Test Simulations (Interactive)
  • Personality Questionnaire Practice Test

Additional Practice Tests and Guides

  • SHL Motivation Practice Test + Customised Reports + Guide
  • 6 Qantas SHL General Ability Test Study Guides
  • 21 Numerical Practice Tests
  • 20 Inductive Reasoning Practice Tests
  • 7 Deductive Reasoning Practice Tests

Study Guides

  • 15 additional Study Guides

Qantas Pilot JTP Test Sample Question

Or get more details on the Preparation section.

Full Disclosure: We are affiliated with JobTestPrep. Clicking the links helps us provide you with high-quality, ad-free content.

Test Interface

Since the Qantas Pilot Test comprises 3 standard SHL tests, the test interface is similar to that of any other test by SHL.

For a detailed overview of the interface, including the invitation you receive via email and the various screens and instructions you will go through, check out the Test Interface section in the Complete Guide for SHL Tests.

SHL Test Invitation Email

Free Qantas Pilot Test Practice

The following free practice test contains 11 questionsone sample question of each question type found on the Qantas Pilot Test, to get you familiar with the tasks you are going to face.

The test should take you around 13.5 minutes to complete. The last two questions are untimed.

Good luck!

Question 1 – Numerical (Graphs and Tables)

SHL Numerical Interactive Pie Chart Question

Answer and Explanation

The final answer looks like this:

SHL Numerical Interactive Pie Chart Answer

Let’s formulate the 4 equations based on the data provided:

  1. 2N + S = 65
  2. E = W
  3. 2(S + W) = 126
  4. E + W + S + N = 100 à 2W + S + N = 100 (Due to eq. 2)

The best way to solve these 4 equations is to represent all variables using a single variable.

It would be faster to choose either S or N, because once we find them both, the question is practically solved. Let’s pick S. However – this can be done with any variable you choose.

  1. N = (65 – S) / 2
  2. W = 63 – S

Plugging into 4 and solving yields:

S = 39.

And, therefore, N = 13.

The remainder of the pie should divide equally between E and W:

(100 – 39 – 13) / 2 = 24

E = W = 24.

Pro Tip

Although there are better and cleverer ways to solve systems of equations, we usually recommend not overthinking this. Practice solving these systems quickly and methodically and save yourself precious time.

Question 2 – Numerical (Rankings)

SHL Numerical Interactive Rankings Question

Answer and Explanation

The correct ranking is as follows:

SHL Numerical Interactive Sample Answer - Rankings

Let’s formulate the 4 equations based on the data provided:

  1. A = B + 2
  2. B = F + 2
  3. C = 25
  4. D = (A/2) + (B/3)
  5. E = (D + F)/2
  6. (F/4) + C = E [Did you write (C+F)/4 = E? Check out the Pro Tip below].

After solving this system of equations, we get:

  1. Adam – 40
  2. Ben – 38
  3. Fei – 36
  4. Elizabeth – 34
  5. Dan – 32
  6. Catherine – 25

Pro Tip

Rankings questions tend to use somewhat ambiguous phrasing, possibly on purpose. For instance, in the question above, sentence 6 can be interpreted as either (F/4) + C or (C+F)/4. However, if you solve it in the second way, you’ll end up with a contradiction.

Pay careful attention and try to keep these potentially risky equations to the end.

Question 3 – Numerical (Calculations)

SHL Numerical Interactive Calculations Sample

Answer and Explanation

Step #1 – Course Scores

As a first step, we will calculate the average courses score for each employee. Employees with an average score lower than 7 will automatically be matched with ‘None’.

We can immediately match Brian with ‘None’. No need to calculate his goals.

Step #2 – Goals

Now, we’ll calculate by what percentage each employee has exceeded their goals, and assign the appropriate bonus:

SHL Numerical Interactive Calculations Sample Answer 1

Read about the BEST prep option on the market in the Preparation section.

Question 4 – Inductive (Alphanumeric Sequence Completion)

SHL Inductive Interactive Sample Question

Answer and Explanation

The correct answer is as follows:


SHL Inductive Interactive Sample Answer

That type of question is a very common in the interactive version of the SHL Inductive Reasoning test. It presents you with a brief sequence of numbers and/or letters, and your task is to figure out the pattern this sequence follows, and to complete it.

These patterns may get more complicated as the test progresses.

In this case, the sequence follows this pattern:

  • All characters move one place to the left.
  • The first character therefore disappears (5F3 – F4W).
  • The middle character remains as it is, only changes location (5F3 – F4W).
  • The last character increases by one (5F3 – F4W).
  • A new random character is added to the right (5F3 – F4W).

Question 5 – Inductive (Shape Sequence)

SHL Inductive Interactive Shape Sequence

Answer and Explanation

The correct answer is:

SHL Inductive Interactive Shape Sequence Sample Answer

This question is divided into three sections, each following a separate rule:

  • The three squares in the middle continuously interchange between 2 blue and 1 red, and vice versa.
  • The red square in the perimeter moves two spots counterclockwise on each step.
  • The blue square in the perimeter moves two spots clockwise on each step.

Pro Tip

On the actual test, you will click the various elements of the bottom shape to change their color.

Question 6 – Inductive (Shape Transformation)

This type of question requires interactivity to fully comprehend. However, due to technical reasons, we did our best to demonstrate how it works using a GIF.

Show GIF

SHL Inductive Interactive Shape Transformation

Show Question

SHL Inductive Interactive Sample 1 - Shape Transformation

Answer and Explanation

Each of the buttons has a different effect:

  • Button 1 – Adds a frame around the shape.
  • Button 2 – Rotates shape 90 degrees clockwise.
  • Button 3 – Rotates shape 45 degrees counterclockwise.
  • Button 4 – Changes shape color to grey.
  • Button 5 – Shrinks shape.
  • Button 6 – Stretches shape.

The transformed shape is stretched in comparison to the original shape (Button 6) and rotated 45 degrees clockwise (Buttons 2 + 3).

SHL Inductive Interactive Sample 1 - Shape Transformation

Pro Tip

Working with templates can also help with the Shape Transformation question type. Check out the printable PDF template for your SHL test (no email required).

Question 7 – Deductive (Schedules)

SHL Deductive Interactive Schedules

Answer and Explanation

There are actually two possible correct answers:

SHL Deductive Schedules Answer 1


SHL Deductive Schedules Answer 2

From the constraint regarding Rooms 3 and 4, the only available slots for the 1-hour meetings are 11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., and 2:30 – 5 p.m.

11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

In this slot, the only unavailable slot is 12 – 12:30 p.m., since both rooms 1 and 2 hold meetings at this time. Therefore, both 11 – 12 and 12:30 – 1:30 are viable options. However, we cannot schedule for both times due to the 1-hour gap constraint.

2:30 – 5 p.m.

In this slot, the only available time in which rooms 1 and 2 are not both taken is 3:30 – 4:30.

Question 8 – Deductive (Calendars)

SHL Deductive Interactive Sample Question

Answer and Explanation

The correct answer is the 26th.

After taking all constraints into account, this is how the four conventions are scheduled:

SHL Deductive Interactive Answer

Question 9 – Deductive (Seating Arrangements)

SHL Deductive Interactive Seating Arrangements Sample

Answer and Explanation

The correct answer is:

SHL Deductive Interactive Seating Arrangements Answer

This type of question is very similar to the ranking type on the numerical test – but here you are required to rank the items based on logical rules.

Let’s start filling in the gaps:

At first, all we know is that E is the fourth largest:

__  __  __  E  __  __

Since C is larger than F and smaller than E, that means that F is necessarily the smallest, and C is the fifth largest:

__  __  __  E  C  F

This leaves ranks 1,2, and 3 for A, B, and D.

Since D is larger than A and smaller than B, that necessarily means that B is the largest, D comes second, and A third.

B  D  A  E  C  F

Question 10 – Personality Questionnaire

SHL OPQ32 Sample Question

How Should You Answer this Question?

On the SHL Personality Questionnaire (OPQ32), there is little to no meaning for specific answers to specific questions. You will be scored based on your answers as a whole.

Therefore, this question has no single right answer.

However, the test, as a whole, DOES have right and wrong answers.

Remember that the aim of this test is to see whether your personality traits are a good fit for a pilot.

Among other things, pilots are required to demonstrate:

  • Accountability
  • Decision-making ability
  • Calmness under pressure
  • Technical skills
  • Attention to detail

With relation to the question above, for instance, the first statement shows difficulty in accountability and decision-making. The second statement shows high accountability, and the third shows calmness under pressure.

So, it is pretty clear that you don’t want to choose statement 1. But should you choose statement 2 or 3?

Well, two things:

First, remember that at the end of the day, what matters is your profile as a whole, and the recommended statements to choose for ANY question heavily depend on your other choices throughout the test.

Second, remember that after you choose the first statement, you will be requested to choose another statement that best describes you out of the two remaining ones.

It matters what statement you choose first, second, or not at all, and that must also be taken into account when considering your responses.

Check out the dedicated page on the OPQ32 test on our sister website, for an in-depth analysis of the OPQ test.

JobTestPrep’s Qantas Pilot Prep Course is the only course that provides authentic preparation for the Personality Questionnaire. Check out the Preparation section for more details.

Question 11 – Motivational Questionnaire

SHL Motivation MQM5 Sample

How Should You Answer this Question?

If you have not read the solution for the personality questionnaire sample question, it is recommended that you do – it provides important insight for this question as well.

Similar to the personality questionnaire, the SHL Motivational Questionnaire aims to assess whether you are motivated by the things that generally characterize the work of a pilot.

The question above relates to the Autonomy factor (one of 18 motivational factors on the test). By the nature of their job, pilots are expected to have very high levels of autonomy.

Qantas Pilot Test Preparation

There is currently only one viable prep option for the Qantas Pilot Test – JobTestPrep’s Qantas Pilot Assessment Prep Course.

Below we will give you all the reasons why this is the ONLY prep course you should choose. All screenshots are taken from the preparation.

Full Disclosure: We are affiliated with JobTestPrep. Clicking the links helps us provide you with high-quality, ad-free content.

Tailored for the Actual Cognitive Assessment

The cognitive portion of the Qantas Pilot Test is SHL’s Interactive General Ability Test. All available prep resources currently offer a Multiple-Choice version – which is COMPLETELY different and will provide poor preparation for the real test.

JobTestPrep’s prep questions, however, follow the formatting, content, and structure of the interactive version.

Qantas Pilot JTP Test Sample Question

The ONLY Prep That Follows the Actual SHL Personality Test Format

A major part of the Qantas Pilot assessment process is the SHL Personality Questionnaire. While other prep sources offer some sort of generic personality test preparation, JobTestPrep’s Preparation Plan is the ONLY one that follows the format, scoring method, and structure of the actual assessment.

HSBC Values JTP Prep Sample

Additional Practice by Topic

The prep course offers additional practice tests by topic, so you can focus on your weak areas, even with little prep time available.

Qantas Pilot Test JTP Additional Practice Sample

Motivation Questionnaire Guide

The third and last component of the Qantas Pilot Assessment is the SHL Motivation Questionnaire. JobTestPrep’s Qantas Pilot Prep Course offers an additional PDF guide to tackle this particular questionnaire, with expert tips and recommendations.

Qantas Pilot Test JTP Motivation Guide Example

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